Summary of latest filing deadlines for 31 December 2021 tax returns and financial statements.
Cryptocurrency taxation guidelines released
On 31 January 2022 the Thai Revenue Department released a comprehensive guide for individual taxpayers on the taxation of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.
2022 Property Tax Update
We summarise the recent tax policy changes in Thailand in response to the pandemic, affecting real estate owner and buyers.
Thailand’s new country – by – country reporting rules
In our latest article for International Tax Review, Andrew Jackomos and Rohit Sharma explain how multinational enterprises can prepare for CbC reporting requirements in Thailand.
Libor ends in 2021 – Have you considered the impact on your transfer pricing?
In our latest article for International Tax Review, Andrew Jackomos and Rohit Sharma discuss the end of LIBOR, its impact on transfer pricing and the issues requiring immediate attention for a smoother transition into the post-LIBOR era.
Transfer pricing documentation requirements clarified
The Revenue Department has issued a notice on the documentation and evidence required to support the pricing of related party transactions.
Latest tax return filing deadlines – August 21 update
The Revenue Department has announced more deadline extensions for e-filing of tax returns due in the upcoming months.
Latest tax return filing deadlines – July 21 update
We summarise the latest filing deadlines for company mid-year tax returns and for monthly VAT and withholding tax returns in the upcoming months.
Revenue Department issues VAT guide for foreign e-service providers
The guide is in English and provides detailed information about VAT on electronic services provided to non-VAT registrants in Thailand by non-resident service providers.
COVID-19 delays Thailand’s tax reform plans
Paul Ashburn of HLB Thailand writes for International Tax Review on Thailand’s tax restructuring plans for 2022–2026.