At HLB Thailand, we want Transfer Pricing to be accessible to everyone. We understand that it’s easy to get lost in the jargon, so we’ve put together this easy to search glossary to lend a hand.
Thailand’s new Transfer Pricing law: Assessing the risks for taxpayers
Paul Ashburn and Rohit Sharma of HLB Thailand explore how Thai transfer pricing legislation has evolved to entail greater disclosure requirements and discusses the associated risks for taxpayers.
January 2021 Thailand Tax Update
Summary of recent tax developments in Thailand, and a reminder of important reporting dates for employers in the next few months.
How Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) regulations are evolving in Thailand
Andrew Jackomos and Rohit Sharma of HLB Thailand assess how country-by-country reporting (CbCR) regulations are evolving in Thailand, and consider the implications for businesses.
Double Tax Agreement between the United States of America and Thailand (including examples)
The Double Tax Agreement entered into force on 15 December 1997 and is the first income tax convention between the two countries, representing a significant development in the promotion of closer economic co-operation.
What’s the difference between a Master file and a Local file?
Under Chapter V of the 2017 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations, a three-tiered approach to Transfer Pricing documentation has been incorporated for taxpayers with related party transactions.
How is the Covid-19 pandemic impacting Thailand’s medical hub ambitions?
As Thailand begins to gradually ease coronavirus-related restrictions, the government is looking to cement the country’s position as an advanced medical hub in Asia.
Thai rental properties and personal income tax
Foreign investors looking to purchase rental properties in Thailand will often have the choice of purchasing the property in their own name or in an offshore company.
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Transfer Pricing in Thailand (with examples)
Our guide will help you demystify the cloud of confusion surrounding Transfer Pricing. Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Transfer Pricing in Thailand. We have it all, including the new changes coming and how you and your business can prepare.
Cloud accounting – sending your financials sky high
Cloud accounting software is revolutionising how businesses manage their finances.