Imagine being able to hold a meeting with virtual versions of your colleagues, enable a customer to view a product or property without them leaving their home, or conduct complex repairs on a piece of equipment completely remotely.
Local compliance challenges of centralised accounting and tax functions
A shared service centre (SSC) is any centralised base of operations that takes over a role that was previously done by multiple localised departments.
Prioritizing PDPA compliance activities in 2022
Organizations processing personal data need to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (PDPA).
Sustainability trending with business growth
Sustainability has built up momentum over the past several decades. What some people thought would be a buzzword came to be a new perspective and way of thinking.
2022 Thailand Property Tax Update
The Ministry of Interior has issued a notification dated 22 June 2022 to extend the deadlines for payment of property tax for the 2022 year by 3 months.
Corporate culture and CSR: The co-dependent relationship
Ensuring your CSR strategy excels requires a supportive and reflective company culture that’s embedded from the top down. Here’s how culture and CSR are intertwined…
Land ownership incentives for BOI promoted companies
The BOI has approved a measure allowing BOI promoted companies with paid-up share capital of Baht 50 million or more to own land to setup offices and residential quarters for executives and foreign experts.
Additional tax deductions approved for company training seminars held in the provinces
A double deduction will be allowed for training seminars held in second-tier provinces or other tourist areas and a 150% deduction allowed for training seminars in other provinces..
Clink and Connect Event of The 17th PropertyGuru Property Awards
The latest edition of the PropertyGuru Thailand Property Awards, now open for nominations, will give prominence to the Phuket resort market and other real estate investment destinations across the country.
HLB reports a record-breaking year with 25% growth
HLB’s Global Annual Review 2021, Reaching New Heights, published 0n 9th May 2022, shows that HLB is well on its way to reaching the top 10 position in global ranking as well as meeting all its strategic objectives by the end of 2023.