The Director-General of the Revenue Department has issued a notification making it mandatory for companies to submit their transfer pricing disclosure forms online unless they have reasonable grounds for filing a paper form.
February 2021 Thailand Tax Update
Summary of recent tax concessions announced in Thailand in response to the pandemic, including tax cuts and filing deadline extensions.
Transfer Pricing Terminology Broken Down and Explained
At HLB Thailand, we want Transfer Pricing to be accessible to everyone. We understand that it’s easy to get lost in the jargon, so we’ve put together this easy to search glossary to lend a hand.
Thailand’s new Transfer Pricing law: Assessing the risks for taxpayers
Paul Ashburn and Rohit Sharma of HLB Thailand explore how Thai transfer pricing legislation has evolved to entail greater disclosure requirements and discusses the associated risks for taxpayers.
January 2021 Thailand Tax Update
Summary of recent tax developments in Thailand, and a reminder of important reporting dates for employers in the next few months.
How Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) regulations are evolving in Thailand
Andrew Jackomos and Rohit Sharma of HLB Thailand assess how country-by-country reporting (CbCR) regulations are evolving in Thailand, and consider the implications for businesses.
How Do I Become Compliant in Transfer Pricing?
It’s not just about becoming compliant, it’s about staying compliant and for this there can be little doubt that you’ll need a skilled pair of hands to guide you through the myriad processes and procedures.
Thailand clarifies rules for use of internal and external comparables
Thailand’s Ministry of Finance has issued a Ministerial Regulation under the Revenue Code prescribing the approach Thai tax officers should take when analysing and adjusting the pricing of transactions between related parties.
The impact of COVID-19 on your Transfer Pricing arrangements
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an abrupt impact on the world’s economy. A year of economic development has been turned on its head as whole countries lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of the virus.
Which Southeast Asian Nations Have Adopted the OECD BEPS Action Plan 13?
The OECD first created the Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting (BEPS) action plan in 2016. Guidelines were initially adopted by 82 countries. Today, over 140 countries operate in line with the BEPS action plan.