Sakanphon Fueangwong

Assistant Manager, Audit & Assurance Services

As a Manager in HLB Thailand’s Audit team, Sakanphon brings extensive expertise in conducting financial statement audits in compliance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) for both Non-Publicly Accountable Entities and Publicly Accountable Entities. With a deep understanding of various industries and their accounting principles, he leverages advanced tools such as IDEA and Power BI to enhance audit efficiency and effectiveness. Sakanphon’s knowledge extends to IT systems, networks, and cybersecurity controls, enabling him to address complex audit challenges. His ability to plan, organize, and manage audit projects ensures high-quality outcomes for clients.

Professional Expertise:

Conducting audits in compliance with TFRS

Knowledge of various industries and accounting principles

Tax compliance expertise

Proficiency in IDEA and Power BI for audit efficiency

Understanding of IT systems, networks, and cybersecurity controls

Effective planning and management of audit projects


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